Safeguarding & Cranes

Wycombe Air Park has a Safeguarding plan in place with Wycombe District Council for the notification of planning applications that may affect the safe operation of the airfield. Details can be found using the My Maps function on

Download a copy of our Safeguarding Chart


Cranes erected in the proximity of the airfield or the routes that we fly can cause problems for aircraft arriving or departing from the airfield.

We politely request that all crane operators contact us as early as possible in their planning process in order for us to assess the impact on our operation and to work together to maintain flight safety.

Contact us

To discuss safeguarding or the operation of cranes near Wycombe Air Park you can speak to the Aerodrome Manager or Safety Manager by:

Telephone: 01494 443737

Contact Information

Wycombe Air Park,
Booker, Marlow
Bucks, SL7 3DP

Tel: 01494 443 737

Email Us

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Booker Aviation has gained its reputation over nearly fifty years as an efficient, friendly and professional flight training organisation.

We offer full modular flight training packages from Private Pilot Licences, through structured hours building, Commercial Pilot Licences, Multi-Engine Piston Ratings and Instrument Rating courses.

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