
Our new weather station is now installed/up and running. Please check the date in the grey bar is current.

Weather observations are unofficial and should not be used for Flight Planning or Performance Planning Webcamsread())) { $filepath = "{$path}/{$entry}"; //Check whether the entry is a file etc.: if(is_file($filepath) && filectime($filepath) > $latest_ctime) { $latest_ctime = filectime($filepath); $latest_filename = $entry; }//end if is file etc. }//end while going over files in excel_uploads dir. ?>  Airfield Webcam updates every minute 7am-9pm, refresh the page to see the latest { $filepath2 = "{$path2}/{$entry}"; //Check whether the entry is a file etc.: if(is_file($filepath2) && filectime($filepath2) > $latest_ctime2) { $latest_ctime2 = filectime($filepath2); $latest_filename2 = $entry; }//end if is file etc. }//end while going over files in excel_uploads dir. ?> Apron Webcam updates with motion, refresh the page to see the latest image.

Contact Information

Wycombe Air Park,
Booker, Marlow
Bucks, SL7 3DP

Tel: 01494 443 737

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Booker Aviation has gained its reputation over nearly fifty years as an efficient, friendly and professional flight training organisation.

We offer full modular flight training packages from Private Pilot Licences, through structured hours building, Commercial Pilot Licences, Multi-Engine Piston Ratings and Instrument Rating courses.

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